Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Exploring Creation with Astronomy, 2nd Edition

Apologia Education Ministries has many science courses. We were delighted to review Exploring Creation with Astronomy 2nd Edition. The textbook is written by Fulbright and is a 14 lesson course for Kindergarten to 6th Grade. Astronomy is a in depth course that do not require someone to teach, yet can be found for a reasonable cost. 

Because Apologia courses are so popular, for good reason, you can pick up a ready- made kits and have each lesson’s experiment supplies ready to go. A detailed supply list is available at the back of the book.
We reviewed the Astronomy traditional textbook and the, student booklets- Jr. Notebooking Journal and Notebooking Journal. We were given the audio MP3 version to listen to in the car. Step-by-step instructions for lab experiments appear in each chapter alongside the concepts they illustrate.
Students who benefit from auditory input might prefer to hear the textbooks read aloud. MP3 files have the complete student text content read aloud for each of the courses. Students still need the print textbook to read along with or refer to as they study and complete their work. Some students do better with an instructor, but if one isn't available, this option is a great option.

A Christian worldview fills these courses. Apologia brings in not just creationist views, but also other scientific issues and ideas in relation to Christianity.
All of these courses were written for independent study. The conversational style of writing makes these texts much easier to read than most others.
In student textbooks, the text font is large compared to other science texts, and this makes it easier to read and less intimidating.  Jacob and Hannah each loved the textbook and the spiral bound student booklets. The textbook and student workbooks contain incredible photos and colorful illustrations. 

We have used the first edition but the 2nd edition is updated and much easier to understand. 
Astronomy is divided into 14 Lessons.  Lessons are divided into a number of topics and activities. Within each module there are “on your own” questions. Students are to answer these as they proceed through each section, and the answers can be self-checked within the back of the textbook.
The Table of Contents at the beginning and the Appendix at the end are very helpful. The appendix has needed supply list for each particular lesson.  In addition, the answer key is helpful to make sure they are retaining what they know.  Children learn science concepts and have copywork that helps with writing and retention, and bible verses that are relevant to what they are learning.

The kids give Astronomy 2nd Edition two thumbs up.  The kids were engaged and if they are older could do all lesson on their own.  I like that they can work together or independently, while learning valuable science concepts with concrete answers with a Christian world view.  I like how easy it is to do experiments. They make it easy to know what you will need for any given lesson. I cannot say enough great things about this course and would recommend it all homeschoolers. 

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